Why I Want To Be A Photographer

I Don’t Want to be a Photographer

A lot of successful people will tell you that when you start a project or a business or anything really, start with why. It’s not just a popular book, but it’s something I’m really taking into consideration before I do things now. I know it’s childlike to ask why all the time, but maybe children have the right idea. Learn why you’re doing something so that you can better understand it and perhaps make it better. So why do I want to be a photographer? I don’t.

I Need To Create and Share

Allow me to elaborate. When I was younger I was obsessed with images and videos but it wasn’t the actual pieces of art that attracted my attention. It was the stories being told through them. I actually wanted to be a writer. I wanted to create different worlds and bring people into them. When I moved on from writing (as if you could do that), I began trying to draw comics. The goal was still the same, create a world, tell a story, bring people in. Years later, I picked up a guitar and more importantly songwriting. The goal? You guessed it, same thing. Seeing. A trend here?

With each art form my goal was the same whether I realized it or not. I always had an active imagination that dreamed up worlds and characters for stories. I’ve always wanted to share said stories with the world. When I was in middle school, I wrote and self published a short story. Before I learned to play music, I made mistakes with songs that told a story. When I did write music I made cds and gave them to my friends. The storyteller in me found new mediums and the business mind tried to distribute.


I Want to Tell Stories

But what does all of this have to do with photography? I’m glad you asked. Recently I’ve taken up photography and videography. Granted, I’m not the best, but I’m pretty damn good if I say so myself. When someone asks what I’m interested in, now I say photography, videography and music. They then reply, so you’re a photographer. I usually go with this. So in essence I am a photographer. I take pictures for money, but I’m much more than that.

I guess the answer to why do you want to be a photographer is I don’t want to be just a photographer. I want to be a storyteller. I am a storyteller. I’m just embracing a new way to tell my stories.

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